条款 & 条件


这些bat365官方条款和条件构成“公司”和“客户”之间具有法律约束力的合同。. 如果公司提供bat365官方并发布包含管理该等bat365官方的条款和条件的文件, 该等其他文件中规定的条款和条件应适用于该等bat365官方.

1. 定义.

a. “公司”是指其子公司、关联公司、代理和/或代表:

b. “客户”系指公司为其提供bat365官方的人员, 以及其代理人和/或代表, 包括, 但不限于, 发货人, 进口商, 出口商, 航空公司, 安全的方, 仓库管理人, 买家, 和/或卖方, 发货人的代理, 保险公司和承保人, 拆装代理, 收货人等. It is the responsibility of the Customer to provide notice and copy(s) of these terms and conditions of service to all such 代理 or representatives;

c. “文件”系指直接或间接从客户处收到的所有信息, 无论是纸质形式还是电子形式:

d. “远洋运输中介人”(“OTT”)应包括“海运代理”和“无船经营承运人”。.

e. “第三方”包括, 但不限于, 以下是:“承运人, truckmen, cartmen, lightermen, 代理, 奥蒂斯, 报关行, 代理, 仓储人及其他受委托运输货物的人, 货车运输, 处理及/或交付及/或储存或以其他方式”.

2. 代理公司.  本公司作为客户的“代理人”,履行与货物入境和放行有关的职责, 入职bat365官方, 出口许可证的取得, 代表客户提交出口文件和与政府机构的其他交易;以及所有其他bat365官方, 公司作为一个独立的承包商.

3. 诉讼时效

a. 除非受特定法规或国际公约的约束, 就潜在或实际损失向本公司提出的所有索赔, must be made in writing and received by the Company within ninety(90) days of the event giving rise to claim; the failure to give the Company timely notice shall be a complete defense to any suit or action commenced by Customer

b. 所有针对本公司的诉讼必须按下列规定提交并妥善送达本公司:(i)因海洋运输引起的索赔, 自损失之日起一年内;
(ii)航空运输引起的索赔, within two (2) years from the date of the 损失; (iii) For 索赔 arising out of the preparation and/or submission of an import entry(s). 对于任何其他类型的任何及所有其他索赔,自登记项清算之日起七十五(75)天内, 自灭失或损坏之日起两(2)年内.

4. 对第三方和/或路线的选择或bat365官方不承担任何责任. 除非bat365官方是由根据客户明确书面指示而雇用的个人或公司提供的, 公司在选择第三方时应合理谨慎, 或者选择方法, 处理过程中应遵循的路线和程序, 运输, clearance and delivery of the shipment; advice by the Company that a particular person or firm has been selected to render services with respect to the goods, shall not be construed mean that the Company warrants or represents that such person or firm will render such services nor does Company assume. 该等第三方及/或其代理人的任何作为及/或不作为的责任或义务, 对任何延误或任何种类的损失概不负责, which occurs while a shipment is in the custody or control of a third party or the agent of a third party; all 索赔 in connection with the Act of a third party shall be brought solely against such party and/or its 代理; in connection with any such claim, 公司应合理配合客户.  谁应承担公司产生的任何费用或费用.

5. 报价不具约束力. 费用报价, 税率, 运费, insurance premiums or other charges given by the Company to the Customer are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice: no quotation shall be binding upon the Company unless the Company in writing agrees to undertake the handling or 运输 of the shipment at a specific rate or amount set forth in the quotation and payment arrangements are agreed to between the Company and the Customer.

6. 对所提供信息的依赖. a. 客户承认其需要审查准备和/或提交给海关bat365官方的所有文件和声明, 或政府机构及/或第三方, 如有错误,将立即通知本公司, 差异, 错误的语句, 代表客户提交的任何声明或遗漏. 准备和提交报关单, 出口声明, 应用程序, 文件和/或将数据导出到美国和/或第三方, 本公司依赖于所有文件的正确性, 无论是书面形式还是电子形式. 所有资料由

Customer; Customer shall use reasonable care to insure the correctness of all such information and shall indemnify hold the Company harmless from any and all 索赔 asserted and/or liability or 损失es suffered by reason of the Customer’s failure to disclose information or any incorrect or false statement by the Customer upon which the Company reasonable relied. 客户同意,客户对披露进口所需的任何及所有信息负有不可转让的义务, 出口或进入货物

7. 向第三方申报更高价值. Third parties to whom the goods are entrusted may limit liability for 损失 or damage; the Company will request excess valuation coverage only upon specific written instructions from the Customer, which must agree to pay any charges therefore; in the absence of written instructions or the refusal of the third party to agree to a higher declared value, 由公司自行决定, 货物可以提交给第三方, 根据第三方的责任限制条款和/或bat365官方条款和条件

8. 保险. 除非提出书面要求并书面向客户确认, Company is under no obligation to procure insurance on Customer’s behalf; in all cases. 客户应支付与采购所要求的保险有关的所有保费和费用.

9. Disclaimers; Limitation of Liability

a. 除非在此特别规定, 公司不就其bat365官方作出任何明示或暗示的保证;

b. 以下文(c)为准, 客户同意,就本公司提供的任何及所有bat365官方而言, 公司只对其过失行为负责, 哪些是对客户造成伤害的直接和近因, 包括对客户货物的损失或损坏, 公司在任何情况下均不对第三方的行为承担责任;

c. 与本公司提供的所有bat365官方有关, 客户可以获得额外的责任保险, 以货物或交易的实际或申报价值为限. 要求投保并同意付款, 这些要求必须在为所涵盖的交易提供bat365官方之前得到公司的书面确认。.

d. 在没有上述(b)项下的额外保险的情况下, the Company’s liability shall be limited to the following (i) where the claim arises from activities other than those relating to customs brokerage. $50.每批货或每笔交易00美元, 或(ii)由与“海关业务”有关的活动引起的索赔,”

e. 在任何情况下,公司均不承担相应的责任, 间接, 偶然的, 法定或惩罚性损害赔偿,即使已被告知可能发生此类损害赔偿.

10预付款. All charges must be paid by Customer in advance unless the Company agrees in writing to extend credit to customer; the granting of credit to a Customer in connection with a particular transaction shall not be considered a waiver of this provision by the Company

11.  赔偿/持有无害的. 客户同意赔偿, 捍卫, and hold the Company harmless from any 索赔 and/or liability arising from the importation or exportation of customers merchandise and/or any conduct of the Customer, 违反了联邦法律, 州和/或其他法律, 并进一步同意赔偿并使公司免受任何和所有责任的损害, 损失, 损害赔偿, 成本, 索赔, 和/或费用, 包括但不限于合理的律师费, 公司日后可能招致的, suffer or be required to pay by reason of such 索赔; in the event that any claim, 对公司提起诉讼或诉讼, 其应以书面形式将通知邮寄至客户在本公司存档的地址.

12.  C.O.D. 或现金到付. 公司应合理注意与“现金/货到付款”(C .)有关的书面指示.O.D.)“货物, 银行汇票, 本票和/或保证支票, letter(s) of credit and other similar payment documents and/or instructions regarding collection of monies but shall not have liability if the bank or consignee refused to pay for the shipment.

13. 托收费用. 在任何涉及欠公司款项的纠纷中, 本公司有权承担所有收集费用, 包括合理的律师费和每年15%或法律允许的最高利率的利息, 取较小者, 除非公司同意降低金额.

14. 一般留置权和出售客户财产的权利

a. Company shall have a general and continuing lien on any and all property of Customer coming into Company’s   actual or constructive possession or control for monies owed to Company with regard to the shipment on which the lien is claimed, 事先装运,或两者兼而有之

b. 公司应书面通知客户其行使该等留置权的意图, 应付和欠下的确切金额, as well as any on-going storage or other charges; Customer shall notify all parties having an interest in its shipment(s) of Company’s rights and/or the exercise of such lien.    首字母:___

c.除非在收到留置权通知后三十天内.       客户即期支付现金或信用证, or, 如对应付金额有争议, 可接受的担保,等于应付总额的110%, 支持本公司, 担保所欠款项的支付, 加上所有已计或待计的仓储费, Company shall have the right to sell such shipment(s) at public or private sale or auction and any net proceeds remaining thereafter shall be refunded to Customer 15. 无义务为客户保存记录. 客户承认,根据关税法案第508和509条, 修订的, (19 USC 1508 and 1509) It has the duty and is solely liable for maintaining all records required under the Customs and/or Laws and regulations of the United States; unless otherwise agreed to in writing, 公司应仅保留法律和/或法规要求保留的记录。, 但不得作为客户的“记录保管员”或“记录代理人”.

16. 获得有约束力的裁决,提出抗议等. 除非经客户书面要求并经公司书面同意, 公司没有义务在海关放行前或放行后采取任何行动. 包括, 但不限于, 获得有约束力的裁决, 清算通知, 提交请愿书和/或抗议, 等.

17. 准备和签发提单. 公司在何处拟备及/或签发提单. 公司没有义务在其上指定件数, 包装和/或纸箱, 等.除非客户或其代理人明确提出书面要求,且客户同意为此支付费用. 公司将以客户提供的货物重量为依据和使用.

18. 除非书面,否则不得修改或修改. 这些bat365官方条款和条件只能修改, altered or amended in writing signed by both 客户与公司; any attempt to uninterally  modify, 变更或修改无效.

19. 公司补偿. The compensation of the Company for its services shall be included with and is in addition to the rates and charges of all 航空公司 and other agencies selected by the Company to transport and deal with the goods and such compensation shall be exclusive of any brokerage, 佣金, 股息. 或本公司从承运人处获得的其他收入, 保险公司和其他与装运有关的人. 关于海运出口, upon request the Company shall provide a detailed breakout of the components of all charges assessed and a true copy of each pertinent document relating to these charges. 在任何向客户追讨本公司应付款项的转介或行动中, 在公司收回后, 客户须支付托收及/或诉讼费用, 包括合理的律师费.
20. 可分割性. 如果本协议的任何段落和/或部分被认定为无效和/或不可执行, 在这种情况下,本协议的其余部分仍然完全有效.

21. Governing Law; Consent to Jurisdiction and Venue. These terms and conditions of service and the relationship of the parties shall be construed according to the laws of the State of North Carolina without giving consideration to principles of conflict law.     客户与公司

a. 不可撤销地同意美国地方法院和北卡罗来纳州州法院的管辖权;

b. 同意与公司所提供的bat365官方有关的任何行动, 只能在上述法院提起诉讼:

c. 同意上述法院对其行使对人管辖权,并且

d. 进一步同意可在任何司法管辖区提起任何强制执行判决的诉讼

22. 筛检:所有货物都要经过筛检.